In fact, this band remind me of the late ’80s and early ’90s, hard rock groups, I love how energetic their music is and blending it through unique emotional lyrical themes in which provides a stunning rock EARgasm experience that I can’t find anywhere lately. The Bronze Age consists of lead singer and guitarist Jesse Puchalski, guitarist Kyle Hales, Bassist Mike Evan’s, and drummer/ vocalist Casey Allen, and these four dudes are having great chemistry indeed. You can easily feel the harmony and tightness through their original output. Check out ‘Why do you hate me?’ among other great songs through their rockin’ Spotify below!


Follow The Bronze Age on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTubeSoundCloud, and Spotify.


Mena Ezzat

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Not only his love for international music bands shaped his life, but he was also in love with independent artists and bands in Africa and the Middle East since 1998. The idea of Rock Era was shaped in 2001, but finally was implemented in 2004; it was a spark of an idea to serve and support; the musicians in the Middle East as well as Worldwide. Mena is also the founder and owner, Naqada Music Management.