Definitely, the environment and origins of an artist reflect on his music. As Graveltooth describes how it reflected on the Beatles and Grateful Dead among many other artists. Today, I am in the great state of Texas, the state that speaks for itself with many iconic artists and bands. Well, tell me now, Where Do Your Wants Come From?

The groove of this track will easily grab your ears, each note that purs originality although it’s inspired by several iconic psychedelic/bluesy acts will simply make you fall in love with it. The lyrics are pretty deep “neo-psychedelic look inward at one’s self that asks an ancient question. What can we live without? It suggests one man’s heartbreak in the world of growing separation and perhaps an abstract description of his heartbrokeneness for the current state of the world itself…..both of which are unable to compromise on their destination. This dirty rock groove will have you head-nodding and take you on a trip.” – Curtis Creighton Pierce explained. Frankly, what Ireally loved is their tightness and harmony, but my favorite is the lead guitar which reminds me of Jimmy Page’s iconic soloing and guitar licks. Check out their socials and feel the best 2021 bluesy vibes below!

Graveltooth on Facebook, InstagramTwitter, YouTube, Bandcamp, and Spotify.