Diving deep into themes of regret and reflection, the alternative rock track “Wasted Days” by Los Angeles-based artist Michael Fordays might be one of those standout songs in the artist’s discography.
“The sun had gone and come up behind me. I realized I only have today. Yesterday tried to follow me. I live my life for today,” sings Fordays in reflection. The song shows off his skills as a vocalist, guitarist, and bassist, along with the production abilities of his pal, sound engineer Dave Klein.
The song opens up with the grungy sound of the electric guitar, before Forday’s sweet vocals radiate through to pierce your heart with its relatable sound and lyrical prowess. The independent musician is a 360 artist, as he writes, records, and releases his music on his own terms.
As a young artist, Fordays toured the globe with his band Mind Over Four and played with other remarkable bands such as Pantera, The Vandals, Jane’s Addiction, and The Fall. “We were independent, self-contained, and playing living original music every night, it was a searchlight for inspiration, a breathing play of experience,” shared Fordays.
With an upcoming album titled “The Odds of Magic” expected to be released in 2025, Fordays continues to push the envelope with catchy melodies that are also quite clear to allow the lyrics to shine through. His latest release “Wasted Days” resonates with the listener for its thoughtfulness and the powerful ability to be relatable and easily understood.