
All the way from Birmingham, United Kingdom, comes another star in the infinite sky of iconic artists that hail from the UK…Ange Lloyd is making huge waves with her unique, emotional and soaring vocal abilities and talents.

Ange’s latest single “Walk With Me” is a staple of good music that is always welcomed, any time, any mood… it sounds modern but with hints of nostalgia and a taste of the goldies of the oldies… UK gave the world so much good music…and Ange is continuing this legacy.

Listening to “Walk With Me” is a triple-A experience…from all points of view, however, you look at it…the song is of the highest quality in each and every element that builds it…

The vocals are surely the highlight, Ange is a force to be reckoned with…

The music is absolutely fantastic, the composition, melodies, instrumentation and of course the production value here is of the highest tier.

Ange sings with the power and the vulnerability of the greats…surely to give you goosebumps…

“Walk With Me” is a soulful British pop/rock hit that checks all boxes of a great song…

Starts with a bang…

Great music…

Catchy melodies…

Fusion of classic and modern elements…

Ange is also a trumpet and a keyboard player…she’s also starting to shine as an actor in the first episode of “The Certain Show”…she’s also doing this song in the first episode aside from being an acting talent…she’s doing a lot, she has a lot going for her…and I’m sure she has infinitely more to give to all audiences of good music…

Ange, we wish you all the best in the world and can’t wait for more awesome music from you.
