The latest track from Swiss Post-rockers Far Away From All This is entitled “To Dream The Universe” and is a ten-minute multi-phasic and brilliant number that deserves your attention. At first, I thought this will be a modern-sounding post-rock piece that won’t have any new elements or pique my interest, but hold your horses, cause I will tell you how this track breaks every rule possible.
First of all, the track begins with an Alternative Rock intro, some brightly toned overdriven guitars playing a chord progression with an awesome strumming pattern that’s moving and emotional. The first encounter we have with vocals is during that part, and they are soft and dreamy to fit with the alternative and 2000s-inspired movement that’s playing.
To everybody’s surprise, the song’s bassline and additional piano melodies serve as a breakdown and transition the chord progression that we were just listening to into a much heavier piece with Black Metal-style tremolo picking and a shoegaze atmosphere. The change may sound drastic, but when you listen to the actual track and see how it all emotionally connects, you will find it to be a super-coherent and awesome piece.
For an additional five minutes that tremolo picking continues and is intercepted by some additional melodies and then some ominous vocals in the middle…it’s all the post-rock goodness that I never knew I needed in my life. The synths and the crisp production mixing all those elements together were the cherry on top for me.
I love just about every aspect this track has, and I believe you will do too. If you want a brilliant Post Rock/Shoegaze number that’s not stale or repetitive and has a lot of changes and transitions to keep you hooked, then this is the track for you.