The Kindly Ravens and The English Rain join forces to form “The Winding Wheels,” an Australia-based rock band. Their sound is a blend of Southern Rock, Americana and Alternative Country, which makes their single “Thoughts And Prayers” a flawless rock ‘n’ roll piece. The single starts strong with the ear-catching drums’ beats opening, followed by the on-fire electro guitar riffs. The guitars work well with the vocals to create a fusion of Americana, country, and Southern Rock, which is what makes the song unique and irresistible. The vocals sing strongly with passion with the well-structured story in the lyrics reaches deep into our hearts.

From the dawn of time till this very moment, we have been subjected to violence in many forms. where there’re victims who need to be saved. But people slack off with a disgraceful attitude, pretending they don’t see what’s going on or settle for praying for the perfect solution without taking any kind of action. Sadly, “Thoughts and prayers don’t help much when a child bleeds from a gun.” Prayers give hope and serenity to those who believe, but no religion says we should stand still and send kind thoughts and warm prayers to fix everything!


 Follow The Winding Wheels on Facebook and SoundCloud.


Viola Karmy