young woman standing on broken stairs leading up to sky, digital art style, illustration painting


He always takes us on a journey into the human interior, the intertwining and complexities of relationships, and perhaps the simplicity that he unleashes in everything that Canadian singer-songwriter Mark Rosal releases, whose latest brainchild “This Journey” drops to us.

Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Leonard Cohen, and Gordon Lightfoot from whom Rosal’s work begins, are his greatest musical inspirations, and we find their influence in everything he produces, and “This Journey” is the best guide, inspired by an introspective view of the world around us, and a deep look at the journey of life with another partner.

Each song written by Rosal picks a theme from the heart of his journey through this world, mixed with the feelings he experiences on both a personal and a global level. He also diligently pursues psychotherapy as a way to better understand himself and others.

Rosal manages to present his masterpiece with minimal arrangements and deep words that speak directly to the soul of the listener. The guitar chords with their raw production add even more charm to this artist’s sound. It underscores the fact that music is good medicine that can make the year more honest and purer.

The influence of country can be heard from the first guitar chord in This Journey, you will smell an earthy tone in the melody that supports the connection to the story of the words, I loved the passion that Rosal put into his song and his nostalgic tunes in our soul. To assure us that he has managed to create his way of conveying emotions into music and continues his amazing career.

Mark Rosal’s emotional and stylized tone of not only “This Journey” is always well-liked, and we look forward to more from him to enjoy.