
La Need Machine are exactly what we need right now to remind us of how powerful arts can be, not only in terms of emotional relatability and support but also in terms of communal involvement and participation. The fast-rising Seattle-based band has just released its latest creation, The Mountain. Featuring captivating harmonies, infectious hooks, dreamy strings and keyboards, and most importantly a meaningful message for all of us listeners. 

“I’ll climb the highest mountain. I’ll swim in the widest sea. I’ll walk from coast to coast, and I’ll do it all for free.” The selflessness in this part of the chorus is the essence of The Mountain, which is not news to La Need Machine as this band has always been a keen supporter of the community at large. The band, since its start, has always been people-oriented with charities like The Trevor Project, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Doctors Without Borders, and many more being supported by the band’s streaming revenue. The Mountain highlights the idea that giving is much better than receiving both for the giver and the receptor, and this concept has never been more important than now, where the world is constantly being divided into haves and have-nots. 

The harmonious vocal lines performed by co-lead singers Brian and Elise add an exceptional mood and essence to this release. Their harmonies are beautifully complementary and emphasize the collective message of this release. The fact that in order to be able to give effectively, you need to be part of a community of givers as well, the impact simply becomes much wider and stronger because we complement each other in this world; whether it is a giver/ receiver relationship, mind and heart, and many other forms of relationships, they all adhere and assert one truth: we complement each other and there is an unparalleled power and strength in collectivity. 

The Mountain by La Need Machine is an exceptionally delivered moral lesson, although the production in terms of mixing and mastering could’ve been more balanced, this release perfectly captures the essence of this group and it is such an inspiration for all of us, humans.