
Growing up is such a diverse cultural tapestry as Dubai has given Zarooni a well-cultivated set of skills, all of which are utilized in his latest single ‘The Kids Are Laughing’.

Zarooni is Mohamed Zarooni, a musician, singer, and songwriter of English Emirati origins. Born in 1985 in London, currently based in Dubai. His pop-driven sound is sophisticated, rounded, and quite crisp on his latest tearjerker single titled ‘The Kids Are Laughing’. In spite of his growing popularity, Zarooni’s musical and lyrical approaches remain grounded in issues that deeply matter to him, and the well-being of all children is something that he deeply cares for.

The single is absolutely beautiful. Revolving around the immediately cozy and familiar chord progression, a wall of serenading strings soon take over the song, coating it in a velvety smoothness that perfectly complements the vocal delivery from Zarooni, which is quite melodic, approachable, and sweet, reminding me, in a way, of the great Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam. With a similar-minded attention to whether the kids are happy or not, a similar desire to write sweet and immediately lovable acoustic pop, I don’t find it hard to picture Zarooni as a continuation to the extremely important role Stevens has played for folk-pop for decades, but of course with Zarooni’s own flair, style, and unique identity.

‘The Kids Are Laughing’ is a very warm and beautifully produced piece of music.