@atterormusical / @laurarodiophotos1

Strawberry Head is a sublime piece of suburban Pop Rock, with a driving sound and some sweet, relatable lyrics.

Dominic Rodio comes from Cleveland, Ohio. Strawberry Head is a stop on his trip to make a recognizable name for himself in the indie music world. Named after a nickname given to him by his little sister when they were young, the song is a sweet retelling of some long-gone sibling rivalry. With an upbeat sound that’s full of energy and direction, the composition is quite dynamic, often rising and falling in intensity. This song sees Dominic experiment with his songwriting, in terms of tones, directions, and even time signatures, and the results are spectacular. A perfectly overdriven guitar leads the way with syncopated riffs that play perfectly well along with the shape-shifting beats. The singing is full of grit and character, very compelling with its own rhythm that also moves alongside the syncopated backgrounds. 

Strawberry Head is a manic song, full to brim with fun ideas. Claps, bouncy basslines, sudden stops and unexpected turns, it’s a rollercoaster. We’re all on the lookout for what Dominic Rodio has in store. A capable songwriter and performer with a very creative flow. His songs are fun, Strawberry Head is no exception, and we’ll be waiting for more.