
I grew up listening to rock, with all its flavors and colors…so it’s always my haven, my safe place whenever I want to instantly feel something…when I’m being happy or gloomy…I go to rock…

…and this is why it was an impactful moment when I first heard Steve Contino’s single “Storm”.

Steve is not just a great artist or an excellent multi-instrumentalist…he is the embodiment of persistence and hard work…originally from the Bronx, Steve Contino followed love to South Carolina.

Steve has been playing drums since he was ten… then he picked up the guitar about six years ago.

The artist spent many years working in the corporate world, but always had that voice at the back of his mind telling him to pursue his dream, his passion, his calling.

…then COVID hit, but that allowed him to reflect on life in general, which led to writing and eventually putting the words to music…then as they say, the rest is history, history being made as we speak.

His latest single “Storm” is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and ultimately talent…”Storm” is the kind of a song that I like to describe as a ‘mood-setter’…a song that when it starts playing gets you in a vulnerable state and lets you soar with it…

The composition is relatable and instantly memorable…melodies are catchy, the arrangement is a perfect fit…and Steve’s vocal performance is full of raw emotions and passion towards the future.

A great little gem that should be checked out, Steve Contino’s “Storm” is a delightful and emotional experience.

Wishing all the best to Steve, can’t wait for more and more from the brilliant artist.
