First of all I’d like to express how much I admire Steven Wilson not just for being a musician and songwriter, but for also being self-taught producer and Audio Engineer. Steven Wilson is also known to be self taught to play many instruments besides the guitar such as Keyboard, Bass, Flute, Hammered, Dulcimer and Harp. Steven Wilson is well known to be one of the greatest progressive musician who has 6 projects on the side, keeping in mind his band Porcupine Tree and his solo work. His album The Raven that Refused to Sing creates a good basic foundation to what he really is trying to accomplish.

The Raven that Refused to Sing revolves mainly around instrumental music more than lyrics; every song builds up with Guitar and keys except for the first song ‘Luminol’ that builds up with some great Bass riffs. Every solo in the album specially ‘Drive Home’ speaks so much about Steven Wilson.

Here are some lyrics to a song that is in the album called ‘The Raven that refused to sing’

“Sing for me
Sing for me
You can come with me
You can live with me
Heal my soul
Make me whole

(the raven sings in a dream)

Sister I lost you
When you were still a child
But I need you now
And I need our former life
I’m afraid to wake
I’m afraid to love”

After hearing this track in the album, I was left puzzled and confused wondering why did he mention his sister but after doing my researches I found out that Steven Wilson had no sister in the first place but a sister doesn’t always have to be blood related it could also be a best friend, or someone we hold dear to our heart that means so much to us and as far as I know Steven Wilson likes to have his bits here and there in his music otherwise it wont be easy for people to relate to and for it to be so real. As a self taught and still learning amateur musician who is very much fond of Steven Wilson and his projects my favorite songs would be ‘Drive Home’, ‘The Holy Drinker’ and ‘The Raven that Refused to Sing’.

Edited by: NJ Bakr