Delicious, infectious darkness oozes from this pirate-y new release ‘Spilled Ink’. A single that sounds like little else, ‘Spilled Ink’ is a fantastic mix between simplicity and novel, challenging ideas.
A Danish duo based in Aarhus, The Shrines are a group that builds songs off their intense sense of wanderlust. Having written their previous album inspired by their 2-year-long stay in the German port town of Hamburg, the duo is now roaming the seas in their sailboat and floating studio, promising shows in port cities and on secluded islands, making the shanty-esque vibes on ‘Spilled Ink’ a lot easier to understand.
The song is defined by an earth-shaking bass rumble, acting almost as an imperceptible wall of ominous noise. On top of that impervious wall of bass, we have immediately infectious riffs, and megaphone-distorted vocals, doubled between the group’s two members, highlighting the contrast between the manic female wails and the brooding male lulls. All in all, ‘Spilled Ink’ is a very interesting song full to the brim with exciting musical cues, passionate and colored performances, and an abundance of atmosphere.
The Shrines are being very edgy on their latest single ‘Spilled Ink’. A song that’s powerful and unlike most other things around today, with fresh musical ideas and a unique songwriting approach, ‘Spilled Ink’ is worth a deep dive into the lush, dangerous worlds that The Shrines craft within it.