To start with this review, I have to tell you how much I’m overwhelmed and glad that I was given the opportunity to review this song for this great legend. As always, Robert Plant never failed to amuse and overwhelm us with his music and lyrics.
This particular song has a great melody and sound. It’s great at its first bit with its percussive bit and it takes off with its smoothness and linear path all the way till the end.
Robert Plant is well known to hit a stronger structure and keeping his tunes very interesting but this particular song is solid and smooth at the same time, and to be able to merge these two together isn’t easy!
Robert Plant stayed true to his words, never changed and became a parody to his self, unlike many other musicians. His first album in 2010, Lullaby, was produced by the legend himself and recorded at Peter Gabriel’s Real World Studious. Plant spoke about a reunion back in May to the Rolling Stones that got everyone on their tip toes talking about it but if it wasn’t for Steve Perry injuring his hip getting ready for the tour; it would have been an epic return. The former is one of a kind of talent that happens once in a generation and for me I’d like to keep my hopes up high and see where this leads to.
Let’s look at this album and this song as a new creation that Plant is trying to discover that has nothing to do with Led Zeppelin and their texture, etc. The lyrics of this song is very unique, that goes along these lines;
“Pocket full of hearts
A world that’s filled with love
A love that carries all before
The passion and the flood
I lie beneath the rainbow”
He loves to remind us that everything can be solved with love and passion. I’m sure you can replay this song over and over again relating it to what this world is going through and how it has become. So let’s all take a moment and appreciate the fact that this great legend is always going to come back and surprise us with his great tunes, lovely words and overwhelming feelings that will take us anywhere we want.
Edited by: Nehal Ali