
The American rock group Imposters released today their indie/garage/punk latest single Shock the World.

Imposters are one of the few bands who are keen about development and learning the previous experiences. After releasing their first two albums Break Down The Walls and A Life of Dreams and learning from the recording and production experience, friends/bandmates Jake Albi, Nick Greto, and TJ De Rosa aimed for an advanced musical direction. In March 2019, Living in America was released, a 16 song concept album following the timeline of a fictional mass shooter “Actual John.” After this, the group wasted no time and quickly recorded a second album that year, hoping to capture a far less serious vibe. Albi said that it was a goal of the band to create “two albums within a year that were pretty much polar opposites.”

‘Shock the World’ featured by Allie Sullivan aka ‘Cherophobiac’ on vocals which gives a strong impact for the listener especially when it’s filled with a tight music structure. I can see the originality of their work indeed and the song mixing is pretty nice, as I can listen to every line perfectly. Also, their music is pretty unique it’s like a mix of many iconic bands together, and that wasn’t very surprising because when you look at their influences you will find many which make sense when you listen to their epic tunes “It’s basically a fun but tense song about young lust” – the band commented on song lyrics. Actually, I can say that ‘Shock the World’ is a complete song of all elements, these guys did a great job indeed. Also, it worth to mention that they invested the lockdown period impressively: “Following this, like the rest of the world, the band found themselves out of work due to the COVID-19 epidemic but did not slow down their recording process because of it. During the 3 month lockdown period, they were able to collaborate virtually via Pro Tools cloud, and created yet another full-length album.”

Imposters 5th album ‘Unlawful Assembly’, the 2nd under the Imposters moniker and 3rd LP within 15 months is set for release on July 4th, 2020.