
American Indie Rock/Indie Pop group Top Bunk released a new music video entitled “I Don’t Wanna Dance” on June 16th. Founded in 2018, Top Bunk music group introduces a cheerful and tuneful musical mood through combining Rock and Pop elements especially the 90s spirit. Created by brothers Yianni and Petro AP, Top Bunk gains good success and popularity. This Summer, the band is refreshing the ears of the fans with “I Don’t Wanna Dance.”

In fact, “I Don’t Wanna Dance” is a fresh, and short music video that aims to create a sense of nostalgia. The music is more into Pop and Desco musical style which driving the mind to interact with the music. Besides the Pop/Desco melodic style, there is a unique usage of electro/ambient touches that gives the music a beautiful melodic taste. Moving to the music video, actually, it is so impressive and warm one. It is full of old scenes from old dances and ads, it can take you from 2020 and the tough talk about COVID -19 to 1990s mood. The heat of Summer and the longing to rock the dance stages once again are outstandingly reflected in the camera work and the flashbacks. Honestly, it is a very cheerful and enjoyable music video that brings you funny especially during the sense of grief that the world lives nowadays. Don’t forget to check it and support the band.