
When you think of the Italian music scene, what hits your mind first is Milan, Rome, or Venice, but here I am talking about the second-largest island in the Mediterranean, Sardinia. Today, I am going to talk about the solo project of the Sardinian artist Raffaele Badas, Hola la Poyana, and his latest single ‘Being The Odd One Out.’ Let’s find out more below!

Although, the song was built on a basic folk structure still the music flow is pretty nice. The guitar riffs and its tone over the passionate vocals giving a nice shape for the track indeed. What’s really nice is the animated music video as well, which made by Framebyframe Studio, and directed by Solenn Le Marchand, and for the animation work, it went very well by Alberto Stevanato and written by Alberto Stevanato. Raffaele mentioned that this track was originated seven years ago “I created a rather rudimentary drum pattern with old software, to which I added a xylophone line played on a tiny instrument and recorded with the Windows microphone. The idea was to support a guitar riff that I made a few months earlier while adding a different element to my music. When I decided to record the song in a studio and include it in the new album, we (me and Simone, the producer) tried to hire someone to play the same backing track, but in a more professional way. Leaving aside the fact that the original file of the backing track was contained in a broken PC hard disk and that in order to access it, I had to go through the twists and turns of Chinese technology, at first we tried to mix the song using the professional version of the arrangement, without getting any good result. The song indeed works only with its original drum pattern, and any improvement attempt has only resulted in a substantial loss of dynamics. After a few months and several lost battles, we decided to keep the original, rudimentary backing track I had recorded, and discard the pro version.”