


Follow Jennah on Facebook, Instagram, and SoundCloud.


Follow Kaylin CerviniSoundCloud.


Follow Form and Chaos on Facebook, InstagramYouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and Bandcamp.


Follow Chris Portka on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTubeSoundCloud, and Bandcamp.


Follow Joe Devine on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


Follow demisang on InstagramYouTubeApple Music, and Bandcamp.


Follow Traumeta on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Bandcamp.


Follow Bill Filipiak on InstagramYouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Violet Orlandi on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.


Follow Faux Rain on Facebook, Instagram, and Deezer.


Follow Graham Grease on YouTube.


Follow Jeremy Parsons on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and SoundCloud.


Follow Artio on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and SoundCloud.


Follow Days of Alexander on Facebook, InstagramYouTube, and SoundCloud.


Follow Dry Clean Only on Instagram.


Follow BEEA on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.


Follow Darwin and the Finches on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and Bandcamp.


Follow Soul Drifter on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Organic Droid on InstagramYouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Wildation on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and Bandcamp.


Follow Ebb & Nova on Facebook, Instagram, TwitterDeezer, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and Spotify.


Follow 5 Dogs on YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and SoundCloud.


Follow Caramel Camel on YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and SoundCloud.


Follow GIRLSGIRLSGIRLS on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Sofi Bonde on Facebook and Instagram.


Follow The Late April on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and SoundCloud.


Follow KarmaTax on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Michael Ward with Dogs and Fishes on Facebook, YouTube, and SoundCloud.


Follow Penelope’s Thrill on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and Bandcamp.


Follow Widespread Haze on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music


Rock Era Magazine

– The order of the playlist is based on the submission receive date.