
Following up her debut single Late Bloomer, Brooklyn-based artist Glenna Jane teamed up with producer Taro Hyodo mixing her pop sound with dark heavy tunes in a special catchy mix on her latest single Playing Dead. Mixed by Daniel Neiman and mastered by Gabi Grella, Playing Dead will give you a taste of the old-school in a modern streaming setup.

Glenna Jane embarks on an interesting musical journey in Playing Dead, opening with a grungy melody with deep fat bass before hitting with her dreamy, fluid vocals. She perfectly matches her pop-influenced vocals’ innocence to the dense riffs and dark melodies, using her smooth delivery alongside the perfectly produced atmospheric guitars, all in a solid arrangement that allows each element to be fully heard and digested by the listeners without compromising the flow. The sharp guitar tone broke off any steadiness that you’d feel and while the song progressed, it kept on taking cleverly calculated steps towards a massive sound that hit hard with perfect build-up boosting the dynamics to the max.

Playing Dead is a solid and extremely harmonic tune. It offers a unique experimental sound that mixes diverse influences and approaches smoothly and seamlessly, creating a new catchy mix with a nostalgic touch. I’ll definitely be looking forward to more from Glenna Jane, keep on rocking. Cheers!