Stone Robot members are the result of several bands like Independent Idiot, Phallic Medallion, Valiant Effort, and My New Shell. These experienced musicians came out with the idea of forming a band that include various influences include Alt-Rock, post-punk, avant-garde, metal, synth-pop, industrial, and even hip-hop, in fact, I totally disagree with their own classification because they call themselves an Avant-pop group, still, and away from the style they chose to categorize their music, definitely they are evolving the rock/metal international music scene through their spirit and originality.

What I really love about this band, besides their music for sure, is the way they promote it. Actually many bands these days either promote following the routine or no real spirit within! A few months ago they published a video to let their fans join their next music video. To sum it up, the band provides a special music experience, and you know what, it really fits any kind of listener, and this is the really beauty of it!

Follow on Stone Robot Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTubeSpotify, and TikTok.


Mena Ezzat