Follow Voodoo Shakedown on InstagramYouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow The Grunion on InstagramYouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and Bandcamp.


Follow Sourfish on Facebook, InstagramYouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Novelistme on Facebook, YouTube, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and Amazon


Follow Eric Alexandrakis on Facebook, InstagramYouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and Bandcamp.


Follow Mike Franano on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow The Amber Unit on InstagramDeezer, and SoundCloud.


Follow Haullistic on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Nikita Boone on YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and Bandcamp.


Follow Dave Roemer on Reverb Nation.


Follow Scott Hayley on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Glenn on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Scooter Stick on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music


Follow Sabrina Lawrie on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Apple Music, and Bandcamp


Follow Dizzy Night on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Apple Music, and SoundCloud.


Follow Telamor on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and Bandcamp.


Follow The Islays on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and SoundCloud


Follow Pepluum on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Denizen on Facebook, Instagram, and SoundCloud.


Follow Mr. Carver on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music.


Follow Life And Larry Brown on YouTube, Deezer, and Apple Music


Follow The Haunted Youth on YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and SoundCloud


Follow The Regular on FacebookTwitter, and YouTube.


Follow F A R on Instagram, YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and SoundCloud.


Follow Cheap Meat on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Bandcamp.


Rock Era Magazine

– The order of the playlist is based on the submission receive date.