Antoine Breton

It’s not every day you come across an interesting song that you decide to push the repeat button to unlock its layers and experience it differently. Kelly Phoenix (or Kelly Frydman)’s debut single ‘No Mistake’ is not a song you’ll want to move past and to the next one. Each time you listen to it, you’ll experience it differently, each time with a different feeling or a musical element to focus on, it simply lures you in with its fresh sound and various layers. Starting from the intro till the very end, just before you’re about to have enough of the sound, a new musical element is introduced smoothly, leaving you anticipating what’s about to come next, yet keeping the same loop in the background, resulting in a coherent and harmonious aesthetic. The guitar line played by Dakota, Kelly’s friend is very vibrant, and it gradually rises till it peaks with a remarkable guitar solo that gives you chills which the artist refers to as a reminder of “Eddie Van Halen’s solo in Michael Jackson’s Beat it”. This brings us to how the artist is influenced by Michael Jackson’s style with his music, dancing videos, and choice of clothing, displayed on his Instagram while mixing it with his own dark style and mysterious identity that is portrayed through his choice of pictures and poses. The lyrics are mainly about a rough breakup Kelly went through and all the frustration and anger he felt which he poured into his music while adding a verse in French given his background and roots. It couldn’t be more personal, as a window through the artist’s soul and lifeline. 

Phoenix is releasing his first solo project ‘Resurrection’ by this spring or early summer after two years of putting it all together. The project covers lots of themes and phases Kelly went through himself like spirituality, solitude, heartbreak, and rebirth among others. These themes are interpreted with a variation of music genres like pop, rock, soul, and classical music. A long journey of pain, healing, and self-discovery resulting in an original, authentic sound.