As their 3rd single “Mr. Fancy Pants” hit all streaming platforms and YouTube with a lyric video on the 30th of November, Soundsmudge made their presence in the metal scene loud and clear. Soundsmudge has old-school roots, with a modern rocking sound that you can’t miss, let me tell you more about it.
There’s no better sound to open a heavy metal song with than wailing guitars and heavy riffs, and that’s exactly what Soundsmudge did on “Mr. Fancy Pants”. The main riff is simple, groovy, and super catchy, providing a perfect headbanging warm-up for what’s coming next. I loved the dual guitar’s harmonics, it added an extra melodic texture to the riff and took us smoothly to the verse. The vocal delivery was pretty cool, and sent back a lot of old-school rocking memories, with on-point melodies and a badass attitude. With rollercoaster groovy, energetic riffs, attacking vocals, and shredding solos, Soundsmudge proved that heavy metal is still alive and kicking, and when all these come together in such a killer dynamic structure with relentless progression, an enjoyable headbanging journey is guaranteed.
Soundsmudge cements their uniquely heavy sound with “Mr. Fancy Pants”. It shows clearly their good knowledge of their sound and direction, and most importantly how to cleverly steer their influences into a fresh sound that’s their very own. “Mr. Fancy Pants” is one of those 4 minute songs that feels like a 1 minute one, as it floods you away with its uplifting dynamics and cool flow, making its way toward your on-repeat playlist. Looking forward to more from Soundsmudge, and to seeing them play live, keep on rocking guys, cheers!