Not Lady Gaga, but I felt her in the surroundings, perhaps in a voice here or music there or perhaps in performance, but all of that does not prevent that Anastasia Elliot with purple hair has a distinctive personality with a wonderful voice and wonderful music and that what I heard is probably because of the creative energy released About “Masquerade” is her latest single from her album “La Petite Mort”.
Anastasia Elliot collaborates with famous artist Cacho Falcon for her piece to talk about the death of the false self and challenge others to reveal what they hide in them during relationships or friendships, we are surrounded by people in disguise so we try to discover what is real and what is fake. This song is an invitation to realism, knowing our true selves and being who we are, creating true aesthetics and a unique artistic world of sound.
Piano and vocals advance the track and soon the musical colors explode from the instruments, creating a hurricane that engulfs you and surrounds your ear with thunderous drums and guitar, capturing the composition attractively against the background of Elliot’s powerful and exciting vocals that reflect her unique personality and identity.
The music video for the song was written and produced by Elliot, and you’ll find it inspired by bodies as the thing in which we hide our inner feelings and emotions. It was supported by symbolic drawings that reflect what is going on inside our bodies as they work.
“I feel like I always have to publicly show excitement and positivity about actually launching my art.. and showing myself the best I can,” says Elliot. Known as the “purple-haired rock goddess”, the American artist has successfully created an audio-visual artistic identity that delivers atmospheric pop-rock, “Masquerade,” released earlier this month, in which Elliot showcases a powerful lyrical style and energy. Brilliant charisma that you will definitely like.