Cinematic, full, emotional, story-telling, epic…
Is what you’re going to be exploring while listening to Nobody’s Wolf Child’s latest single “Lost Among The Pines”.
This is the third and last of a trilogy of songs, telling the story of the Wolf Child’s beginnings.
Firstly, what a cool concept…a trilogy of songs? This definitely enhances the cinematic approach to musical storytelling and gives an emotional reason to hear the rest of the story…and eventually to experience the full picture and lore of this world that was created by Nobody’s Wolf Child.
Nobody’s Wolf Child is a musical project from the UK. Their true identities are quite mysterious, but after some online searching, we came across a couple of sources that pointed to some of Nobody’s Wolf Child members which include Peter Harwood and Matthew Parisi…we’re not sure if there are others involved…but they are keeping a tight seal around this!
Going into this painting that they crafted…we take our first couple of steps in their latest single “Lost Among The Pines”…
The mysterious intro sounds act as a portal to another realm…
…only to be greeted with an all-white-all-snow world, cold, ethereal.
The voice of the singer fills this world with vocal lines, melodies, and harmonies that engulf the listener…
The piano builds the solid ground of this new world..the vocals take us from our hands and through an emotional stroll into this world..strings are building up in the background…but it is going to erupt soon…
Everything stops.
Everything erupts.
The song is nothing short of a spectacle of voice, music and story.
A lot of love went into this song and into this project, you can definitely feel it.
Nothing comes out like this without absolute love.
“Lost Among The Pines” is an escape from reality into a magical world…who doesn’t need that?
You have to check Nobody’s Wolf Child’s other songs till we get the rest of the music they are working on…
Speaking of which, they have planned 12 tracks in total, “Lost Among The Pines” the last of the first 3, the last of a musical trilogy (again, awesome concept)…we have 3, we need the remaining 9 songs…and we’re pretty sure they are going to deliver and expand even on this awesome musical project.
Nobody’s Wolf Child, we can’t wait for what the future holds for you!
Wish you all the best in the world.
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