With boldness and clarity, Mr. Bewlay killed shyness in one of Cardiff’s garages where he lives, releasing his new song in an indie garage post-punk killer sound and saying to us loudly, “Live Laugh Love.”
Mr. Bewlay in “Live Laugh Love” breaks down the familiar and records a short lyrical link of fun in 2 minutes and 22 seconds. As he said himself, “I must admit that this song was originally written as a joke….” And when you listen to it, you will also find some love and excitement in it.
Without any introduction, Mr. Bewlay begins his theme on Garage Rock’s crazy rhythm like the words written on it. Bewlay loves the older ladies, who usually give him more excitement than the younger ones, who couldn’t get it.
Whether it’s “Live Laugh Love” Pop, Glam Rock Knight, or garage post-punk slacker, Mr. Bewlay did not talk about himself only, but about a feeling that many share in their love for the opposite sex, and although it is not clear why a boy and a girl participated in the song’s video clip, it is an invitation to dance and love.