If you don’t know who is Nathaniel Paul then you at least would recognize him through the Emmy award-winning band The Bergamot. The singer-songwriter and producer releasing his debut album ‘Learning to Listen’ on June 11th via AWAL. I was lucky to listen to some singles from his album and finally I got the chance to check it all out. Let’s find more while I am Learning to Listen.

The album features 10-stunning tracks but what really amazed me that he was very keen to depend on his voice other than mixing flavors or music software arrangements like many other artists do these days, but don’t get me wrong the music is marvelous indeed, the point is that he made it as it should be when the music lines serve his voice not cover up his voices. Which is a lack of experience for many artists these days, but of course, this isn’t the case with Nathaniel as he proved to deliver one of the greatest albums in 2021. I believe that ‘songbird’ which got featured in several magazines as his first single, will catch your ears easily and makes you more interested to check the rest, and it’s a smart choice indeed to start the album with it.

Although the style of the album is mellow or this is what you gonna feel but when you reach the half of the album to the track ‘The Phone’ there’s a great shift with impressive guitar soloing to spice things up. If I am correct, the album started to take a different direction as the music getting kinda upbeat to balance the music more in the whole album. I guess this was one of his main messages while we Learning to Listen… to simply understand the beauty. Although there are many tracks that I loved over here the album song-title is my favorite indeed, I love his emotive vocals and the charm guitar lines, and it’s pretty cool adding a harmonica line at the end which provided diversity indeed.

Nathaniel Paul on Facebook, Instagram, YouTubeApple Music, and Spotify.