Battleviews is a husband and wife musical duo formed of Ryan and Natalie Raichilson, and they are set to release their indie/folk album ‘Two Ghosts’ later this year. Two songs have been made available on all platforms prior to the album’s release, and one of them, Last Jump of Summer, caught my attention. 

The song begins with angelic female vocals which are intertwined with a beautiful acoustic guitar. Every element of the song at that point had one single strong layer, and then later we hear some backing vocals and harmonies and an additional guitar. The basslines and drum lines also felt so “folksy” in their nature due to the sweet and jiggly rhythm.

On the song’s bridge, we can hear upbeat and uplifting trumpets, which work amazingly to strengthen the vocal melody and help it be more memorable. It plays a second time in the outro/final hook of the song, and in my opinion it’s the song’s surprise because it is so well-produced and serves the lyrical theme so well.

Speaking of the lyrical theme, this song tells the story, from the first person perspective, and Natalie’s voice alternates between sounding whiny and sounding happy or playful, and she matches the vibes with the lyrics so well. The bottom line is, this was not a stereotypical indie song for me, as I found no muddy production or lazy vocals. Instead, I found a wonderful track with powerful guitar work and an angelic singer that sings so naturally and with ease to make Last Jump of Summer a super lovable and memorable song.