Killcode is an American band that as described plays Rock/Metal/Southern Rock. They were formed back in 2008, have released 2 EPs and one LP. Back in November, I reviewed their single and music video ‘The Wrong Side’. Now I get to review another single they’ve released before finishing working on their sophomore album.
I instantly liked ‘The Answer’ just from the intro. The lead work, generally throughout the song is pretty good. The riffs are heavy, groovy and will make you head-bang. While reviewing the ‘The Wrong Side’, I liked the vocals more than the instrumental work, the opposite happened with ‘The Answer’. The vocals weren’t bad, but they didn’t steal the show, nor equaled the instrumental work and the chorus eventually got kind of annoying. That being said, the song meets the criteria of a single, if there’s ever one. It’s a good introduction the band’s heavy sound and style that would please Heavy Rock and Modern Metal fans.