Haille Kern

Ben Ginder Group is an American hard rock/heavy metal band who’ll restore your faith in heavy music. Their debut self-titled record was out in 2021 and on the 25th of March, 2022 they dropped two rocking singles “Keep me Warm” and “Close to You” that we’ll be digging deep into right away.

The intro of “Keep me Warm” says a lot about Ben Ginder Group, they are not afraid to take their time to get you into their pure rocking sound and they did a great job with that. It has interesting riffs and hooks that shows a lot of musicianship and songwriting skills specially that chorus that got stuck in my head right after the 1st play. “Keep me Warm” has a dynamic structure and my favorite part is how they placed the rocking 1st solo after the chorus and then connected it with the interlude around min 2:40 with those super cool dual guitars, I believe there’ll be some improvisation at that part in their live performances. Things get heated again with a bunch of solos and intense riffing at the outro ending the song on a high note leaving you asking for more.

“Close to You” will satisfy this urge with its engaging old school rocking intro that’ll get people clapping and hailing when played live, it has a fluid vocal melody, smooth riffs and transitions. The structure is full of twists and turns not missing their significant dual guitars and rocking solos and around min 2:50 you get a sing along interlude that’ll drive people crazy specially, with those solos and hawlin guitars. Toward the end comes my favorite part, heavy riffs and screaming guitars. There’s no better end for such song.

Ben Ginder Group sounds like a seasoned band whose been there for decades. They have their own character and significant touch and this appears clearly on “Keep me Warm” and “Close to You”. Finding modern bands playing pure hard rock/heavy metal with their own flavor is sadly unusual these days but, Ben Ginder Group are there taking that role. Totally recommended, will be looking forward for more from Ben Ginder Group. Cheers!

Follow Ben Ginder Group on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Bandcamp.