
Jupiter Falls is a Classic/Hard Rock band from Leeds, UK. They were formed in June 2013 and released their debut album Revolution by December of the same year.
Jupiter Falls are James, Deano, Zach, and Dan.
The album starts with a track titled ‘Welcome to My World’ as if the band is sending a message to their listeners for an urge to follow them on an ambiguous trip to “their world”. Taking a closer look at this album title, that trip might make the listeners bury their faces in the sand.

The album is professionally played. At some points, I wondered how this band isn’t internationally famous yet!
Vocals are amusing, the tune and the lines are very strong! James’ vocals are very close to Jon Bon Jovi’s.

The chemical fusion of the tragic and dramatic scene with musical chords and tunes is very adequate in this album.
The solos are perfectly played! It gets you even more through the track theme.

It’s the type of album that you might play all day just because it’s good to your ears! The tunes are very consistent with the drums and with the vocals and guitar lines! What an awesome job Jupiter Falls have made!

Weakness points are very few that they might not even exist!
Jupiter Falls killed it in Faces in The Sand and made a masterpiece, luckily they didn’t bottle it as their local football team Leeds United did last season in the championship.

Rating: 10/10!



Edited by: Jailan El-Rafie