How do your songs contribute to the Riot Grrrrls movement/genre?

Our song topics range from political to death to love loss and many subjects in between. I can’t say that they contribute directly to the Riot Grrrl movement, but they are all written from the point of view of feminists that continue to fight for equality.


How does the music scene in Oakland inspire you to enhance and up your music game?
Oakland is full of amazing musicians & bands that are all so diverse. We are just trying to keep up with all the bad-assery that surrounds us.


We love your new single, what was the inspiration behind it?
It’s about a woman who lost her way. The outfall of her past and opportunities she never had. A retrospect of her fated life and a look into the grips of addiction.

How did you master that angry, punk-rock /grunge sound?
Awww shucks. I don’t think we quite mastered it. We’ve all been playing music for 30ish years now so we’ve been around the block a few times.


Creating DCxPC had such an inspirational effect on us that we’d like to know why you made the conscious decision to try a Livestream and how did that affect the release of DCxPC Live Vol. 4?
We were asked by Ivy Room to be part of their livestream series and upon announcing it, Scott from DCxPC reached out to see if we were interested in releasing it as a 7 inch. I will always jump at the chance to work with Scott, so that was a no brainer.


What can listeners expect from this live set?
An honest and energetic performance.


How is DCxPC Live Vol. 4 different from your other albums?
This is the first live album we released and captured a lot of the pent up energy we had, as it was during the COVID-19 shutdown.

With the pandemic still making constant changes to how we define normal; where do you plan to take your upcoming projects?
As well as writing and recording, we will keep touring safely and continue to take the precautions that are necessary so that live music can return.

Follow Year of the Fist on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTubeSoundCloud, and Bandcamp.


Jaylan Salah