“TEMPERATURE FALLS” is an intriguing choice! How did you come up with it?
The name – well, we are based in Norway , just outside of Oslo. We had a chance meeting at a party and were both going through some personal issues and were both there to just get some respite from this and just enjoy a few hours. We got introduced by a mutual friend and Ian started talking about how he was soon moving from Uk to Norway and had been in bands before but wanted to start a new project, studio based at first and moving on from there. I had been singing from a young age and had never really found the right project. After hearing some of Ians demo’s I was 100% in. Ian moved over into a basement apartment in Jessheim as few months later and set up a studio there and we just threw ourselves into it. So to the name!!! – when Ian came over at the end of April 2019 we had this crazy summer! I mean like 5 months of intense sun and heat. Ian would walk down to the outside bar in Jessheim town every evening to have a few beers and listen to rough mixes he had made. He thought he was living in Spain 🙂 shorts and T short every day – sun till midnight in July, he couldn’t believe it! But the bar staff who he got to know used to warn him ‘ just wait buddy until the Temperature Falls, you’re gonna have a shock! He started naming mixes TF 1 ,2 etc and we went with it , it became a joke that stuck. He did have a shock come that winter – dark by 3pm and -20C !!
You guys make some incredible music together! What are the pros and cons of being a musical duo?
Wow – well I think we could write a 400 page thesis on this and not be any closer to an answer! Ha Its the first time we have spoken about this in all our interviews in the media – that we are also romantically involved and live together. We’ve never spoken about that before. For me Camilla, that is the biggest hurdle. Its hard to separate criticism when we work together in the studio and keep it in the studio. I remember Ian telling me that what I had recorded one day was not good enough and a bit lazy! I was destroyed and I sobbed and then went and re -recorded and he was dam right 🙂 came away with something infinitely better. I know he wasn’t being personal but having someone you love criticise you so openly can be tough at first but I wouldn’t change it for the world. We also come from different diverse musical backgrounds.
Ian grew up with 80’s influences from his parents – The Police, Blondie , Sade etc and developed himself into blues guitar with the likes of Ry Cooder which then transcended into the grunge scene and Pearljam which was a gateway into Nu Metal sounds of Korn and The Deftones. Ian was in a metal band and signed with Visible Noise / Sony Europe and toured and released a few albums with ’Number One Son’ from the Uk. But even during this he was still listening to non metal and struck a big connection with the Bristol music scene and the newly termed ’Trip Hop’ made popular by bands ‘Portishead’ and his all times heroes ‘Massive Attack’. I had grown up in Norway listening to a lot of various US and UK pop and also some popular metal. I had a huge love for Amy Winehouse and Lady Gaga and also fellow Norwegian female singers such as Sussane Sundfor and Astrid S.
your new single “Apology” is truly sincere and heartfelt. Tell us a little bit about it. What’s the story behind it?
It probably came from what we just discussed as being a romantically involved musical duo! 🙂 ha ha! It came from an argument about vocals in the studio – that’s real emotion in the Chorus at that moment – its about that real distain you have for someone in that moment even though you love them so much – so it hurts even more. I won’t go into detail of the argument because it doesn’t put either of us in a good light ! 🙂 I would say 80% of our arguments are over the music we make – but we see that as a good thing – we make the music with feeling and heart and we make up and we start again
In “Apology,” did the music or the lyrics come first?
Music first as in 99% of the songs we make – We will discuss feelings and vibes of what we want to create musically. That’s kinda of a broad brush stroke in a way because we never force what comes out as we feel that is ‘fake’ , we only want to create what comes naturally in the case of a vibe, we are always pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone to be better and challenge ourselves but the thought or style of the music is true to us and will always be that way. Ian will take that and create some ideas, we will sit and listen to parts and discuss if we like it and if we should continue with it- if so where to go with it in which direction. And work from there , sometimes Ian can go off for a few weeks and come back with 2 or 3 finished tracks and I know straight away they are going to be great because I can see it in his eyes when he wants to show something – he has that spark and enthusiasm. Other times he’s has 4 or or 5 parts or ideas and maybe he is struggling to find the path or meaning and we will work on things – I might be like ‘ heel yeah I’ve got a great melody idea for that piece of music etc. after the music is finished I will take it and listen the hell out of it , driving in the car to and from work etc and get that feeling of what it means to me and how I associate with it. Ill write lyrics often as Im recording . Ill pass these over to Ian and he mixes and then we have more listening sessions and make tweaks here and there.
Do you have a favourite memory from your musical career so far?
I’l leave this to Ian as his musical career spans further than mine- he was in a UK rock band ‘Number One Son’ signed to visible Noise/Sony Europe and he got to support Motorhead in Dublin. How can you beat that??!!!
Tell us about your fourth and most recent album, which you’ll be releasing this year.
We’re continuing to look deeper inside ourselves and the world around us and continue to make music that is real to us. We never look to what others are doing. Sure we listen to lots of music and we have our heroes and we keep finding new music we love – but to us our music is us – our journey and you really get our heart and soul on each record. We are mid way now recording the new album so hopefully we will be finished and releasing late summer /autumn with a few more singles released in between that time.
How do you find inspiration to make a new track?
We will discuss feelings and vibes of what we want to create musically. That’s kinda of a broad brush stroke in a way because we never force what comes out as we feel that is ‘fake’ , we only want to create what comes naturally in the case of a vibe, we are always pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone to be better and challenge ourselves but the thought or style of the music is true to us and will always be that way. Ian will take that and create some ideas, we will sit and listen to parts and discuss if we like it and if we should continue with it- if so where to go with it in which direction. And work from there , sometimes Ian can go off for a few weeks and come back with 2 or 3 finished tracks and I know straight away they are going to be great because I can see it in his eyes when he wants to show something – he has that spark and enthusiasm. Other times he’s has 4 or or 5 parts or ideas and maybe he is struggling to find the path or meaning and we will work on things – I might be like ‘ hell yeah ! I will take it and listen the hell out of it , driving in the car to and from work etc and get that feeling of what it means to me and how I associate with it. Ill write lyrics often as Im recording . Ill pass these over to Ian and he mixes and then we have more listening sessions and make tweaks here and there.
“Apology’ in a way continues of the back of our 3rd album ’Nobody To Believe In Anymore’ released earlier this year in that its quite dark and personal. We are dealing and talking about our own demons and how we try and get through tough times. Musically it started with the synth part in the chorus that washes over the whole soundscape , drones of notes, not so prominent in the mix but it set the tone for the whole song. There’s defiantly an Industrial feel to the beat, a nod of the hat to the legend Industrial pioneer Trent Reznor. Mix that with a trip hop vibe of mixing live instrumentation in with the electronics and a kind of alt rock attitude in the chorus music. So you could say a mix of Ruby and the deftones 🙂 the vocal staying emotional throughout cutting through the music on its own path.
From your first to your fourth album. How would you describe your sound’s evolution?
We would like to think we have made big steps sonically in our evolution. If we were being brutally honest we probably shouldn’t have released our first album as it was and we probably should have spent another year writing and getting better at production. But saying that I always loved bands that you can go back to their early stuff and its raw and you can hear how they have grown. Hopefully fans that have followed us from the start can hear that in us and appreciate the journey. We still strive to write from within and stay true to ourselves and our musical vision.
After working in the music industry for a while, how would you sum up your journey so far in three words?
Can’t say much about the music industry – any industry that tries to combine artistic vision and payment is tainted with compromise, which we won’t do – but I will give you 3 words that describe us and our sound – Honest, Raw, Ambiguous
Thank you for your time! Can you give your fans more details about your upcoming plans for the near future?
We keep going and writing and recording as long as we feel we are enjoying it and making moods with our music. I think our music can vary in genres from song to song so it can be hard to define one of our albums- hopefully we find our audience and people enjoy what we produce. Thanks for interviewing us and its a pleasure to be featured by Rock Era magazine! Happy New Year
Follow Temperature Falls on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Spotify.
Viola Karmy