● First, I loved your original rock output, well done indeed! When did you guys gather up and formed the band?

Thanks! We began CT in Sept 2019 and immediately began writing, the 3 of us have been long time friends and played plently of music over the years but this was the first time we decided to start a rock band and give it our all.

● Was it planned from day one that your singles songwriting, are aiming to be in an album?
Always album, after wirting two song ideas, our lead singer Adam came across a book by Joseph Campbell, the hero with a thousand faces, which gave us a blueprint to write the album around, A Heros Journey is our upcoming album.


● Mike Clink is a name that doesn’t need an introduction. How did you guys manage to reach such an iconic producer?
Yes, he is quite the legend. It wasn’t easy, we persisted with trying to contact his manager, which took a while to get a response, we finally got him to agree to show Mike a few demos, that along with the concept of our album ‘A Heros Journey’ which follows a linear story of a hero on a quest through songs 1 – 10, this was enough to get Mike interested as he loved the songs and ideas. After that we had a couple of zoom calls and set a date. We flew Mike to NZ for a week of pre production in Feb 2020 and then meet him back in LA in March 2020 to begin recording the album…Hes got a great team around him and highlights were working with Chris Chaney (Janes Addiction Bassist) Phil X (Bon Jovi Guitarist) and recording guitars at Slash’s Snakepit.


● I cannot deny that you have got a special rock flavour. Do you classify your music to a specific rock style?
In general its Alt Rock, but each of the songs vary and we are happy to cross over to any rock based genre should the song require it. Its more about how the song makes us feel and


● The three of you are making a great output indeed but are aiming to add any other musicians for your debut album?

Perhaps for certain Live gigs but no, we are a trio and that works great for us.

● I loved all your music videos really. Well made! Do you collaborate in filming direction?
Thanks, it’s a fun part of the process and yes we get really involved with the director to make sure it brings our vision to life. Its not always easy ensuring that is the case but so far its worked out pretty well.


● Well, your debut album coming out in October, tell me more about your promotional plans for it.
We are delaying the release due to physical production and other strategies that we are working on, we have not set a date yet but will be early 2022.

Follow Capital Theatre on Facebook, InstagramYouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, and Spotify.


Mena Ezzat