How did you manage to blend all genres in “K St.”?

It’s funny how it worked out. I just started learning production in a DAW back in May. I was playing around with a couple tracks that I recorded in GarageBand years ago and it dawned on me to splice hip-hop beats on my normal whiny acoustic style. Even the guitars were acoustic. Just sampled and distorted.


We loved the minimalist, DIY aspect of your music, was it a conscious choice to make music using what’s available?
Ha! Beyond a choice. I have been messing around with my acoustic guitar for 25 years because I either had greater priorities or because I lacked confidence and vision. I took a break from working to invest in myself on a deeper level. It somehow shifted to music and I live in an apartment where every yawn, sneeze, or even footstep is heard.

“K St.” is such a peculiar and fascinating song. How did the creative process behind it proceed?
I had been listening to a lot of Beastie Boys and MF DOOM at the time. I really liked how their snares were wild and wanted to incorporate the snare as an instrumental hook with the lead guitar as a lead in. I also wanted to make sort of a throwback Run DMC style joint.


How does the dynamic between BC and Doso flow?
Well, Doso is away currently, but Dos0 was the one who inspired and motivated me. He made it clear that I wasn’t alone. This EP was primarily just me. The only appearance Doso makes in uncredited on “Flex.” With BC Roadz, it’s mostly my deluded point of view. Dose Rubato is more timeless or spaceless. Doso is everything BC wishes he was but could never be.


Why is “K St.” as a lyrical slang and the street in Salt Lake City so significant to use as your song title?
The first title was Dr. K because I had just started undergoing ketamine infusions for depression. I played with the title and nothing felt right. When I completed the song, I went for a walk. I hit K St. in the local Avenues neighborhood by chance and knew that was the title. Hopefully, I release the acoustic version so I can use the actually street sign picture. That would be rad.


There is such an undeniable southern rock/country/blues vibe to it, how did you manage to master that combo?
Stevie Ray Vaughan is one of my favorite guitarists and I could never play like him. Also, RZA produced a song for the Wu back in the day where he sampled Stevie. Mine is obviously a lot different but I think subconsciously that’s probably where I got the idea from.


Has John Lee Hooker influenced “K St.”?
Man! John Lee Hooker was such a big influence on me that I forget it. I pine for his storytelling ability. I work really hard to emulate him. I hope to have some moderate success one day so that I can do a one man show, acoustically. It would be tempo-free. Just how I like it.


What are your upcoming projects?
I’m nearly finished recording my next EP. It’s completely “electro-rap” and Doso did all the production. Don’t be fooled though. It still rocks and there are all of the same storytelling elements, as well as instrumental hooks. Even though it’s a joint EP with Doso, it’s going to further explore my Blues Rap themes. Maybe more on a cinematic scale. It’s going to be wild.

Follow BC Roadz on Instagram, YouTubeSoundCloud, Spotify, and Bandcamp.


Jaylan Salah