
The Vaniers [van-ee-ays] are a Toronto-based rock trio formed in 2016 by Diego Paz (Bass Guitar/Vocals), Alex Iacobellis (Guitar), and Nick Donato (Drums). Known for delivering scorching live performances and dazzling crowds, The Vaniers have become a staple in the Toronto music scene, celebrated for their high-octane shows and catchy tunes.

Their song, “This Dog” has been brewing for over a decade (don’t ask us its age in dog years). Dubbed “The Forbidden Tune,” it seemed impossible for The Vaniers to crack. One night, while the band was experimenting with a Motown-inspired rhythm over a rolling guitar riff loaded with double-stops, “This Dog” finally found its groove in the chorus.

Produced and mixed by Nixon Boyd (Hollerado, Dizzy, Deanna Petcoff), the song embodies a fusion of their diverse influences. The challenge of maintaining taste, accessibility, and sincerity propelled us to craft one of their favorite tracks on the album. As for the lyrics, ask your dogs.

Auteur Research