This is indeed the age of technology and communication, and as cool and exciting as this might sound, Irian Darkwood, in her latest release, Greensleeves, cleverly shows us a glimpse of the dark side of this controversial age. The Canadian female rock/ metal vocalist is here to make a statement, and is definitely not the one to shy away from difficult conversations. She is the one to bring those up, reflect on them, pinpoint their dark sides, and laugh about them! Yes, you heard that right, laugh about them!

This release is primarily inspired by the singer’s own involvement and experiences with the world of creeps women often find on the internet, and this comes as no surprise since her lyrics in Greensleeves are quite simple and straightforward yet exhibiting an evident depth and profoundness to the track’s theme. Only someone with real involvement and a deep understanding of the emotional complexity of the situation would understand. Her frank and forthright usage of lyrics immediately urges the listener to think and contemplate about the topic, even though it is not a topic that is often highlighted; which adds to the cleverness of this release. You find yourself thinking and reflecting about a common issue that you probably can relate to, yet never really thought about it as a collective issue, which in fact it is indeed!

While you listen you’ll hear this incredible mix of screams and laughs used in the background, skillfully capturing the mix and diversity of situations that most women face in such encounters. Some might come across as nice at the beginning then TADA! A creepy invitation or a sentence that just makes you scream your lungs out for a moment, then laugh at the situation later on with your girlfriends. Cause let’s face it, those creeps are all over the internet now that their ways and schemes are now laughable and ironic. Girl power, ladies!

Greensleeves by Irian Darkwood is definitely a must listen to kind of release! Not only for its blend of heavy but catchy music, but also for women to collectively have a laugh or two; and for those creeps we find on the internet to let them understand that whenever you think that you are outsmarting a lady, you should absolutely think twice about that. You guys are not as clever (nor as attractive) as you might think. Just listen to Greensleeves, folks!