Friends and business partners are the perfect mix ever, that is exactly what the “Spyderhuff” are.

They are a group of six incredible musicians showing us the marvelous old-school rock spirit we all know but in their own way through their different series “sin7”,  it’s a series a about the seven deadly sins, of seven tunes that will be released one at a time as singles throughout 2022. Two singles have been released already from the seven, and now it’ the time for their third masterpiece “Girl in the Photo”. 

Girl in the Photo simulates the third sin “lust” in a unique way, in fact, chosen a title like a “Girl in the Photo” is a great one indeed because it reflects the third sin perfectly. Sometimes you feel that the music expresses it more than words, as you can find a rock song with all perfect elements that needed. The lyrics, the instrumentation, even the music video simulate the topic nicely. You cannot talk about a rock tune without mention the guitar and drum lines which already got me perfectly in the exact needed mood, a different way to listen to rock not only by the ears, also by your soul.

A couple of minutes is all you need to steal  from your busy day to put you in a different mood while listening, feeling and enjoying that exact moment through “Girl in the Photo”. 

Don’t miss “Angry Flames – Wrath” review