
Fendahlene’s Get Over It was already super fun to begin with, now with this brand new treatment from Kevin Shirley (Black Crowes, Joe Bonamassa), It’s amazing.

Fendahlene is a London-based band with Aussie roots. Their brand of alt-rock is distinct and unique. Intellectual, tight grooves with a wide swathe of stylistic influences that show up all over their music. An imaginative band who are way distant from being pigeonholed by a certain genre, style, or color.

But that’s Fendahlene in general, ‘Get Over It’ is another story. ‘Get Over It’ is originally from their 2020 full-length, titled ‘High And Low And Back Again. This is a retouching courtesy of Kevin Shirley, something that the band has been keen on for a while. ‘Get Over It’ is a direct and bashful rocker. A tight groove holds the whole thing by the scruff of the neck, constructed from a solid beat that makes use of energetic claps and a tastefully restrained and rhythmic bass line. The riffs are dangerously fun, equally clean and overdriven, and call to mind the dangerously fun guitarwork of Graham Coxon. The vocals are charismatic and find their way easily in the fantastically tight mix of Mr. Shirley. The solo section in the middle is a quality moment, with an ultra-cool intense tremolo effect that’s used to a great effect to highlight the minimal solo.

A charismatic rocker that was already tight from the start, gets a makeover from a consummate professional. The output is a delicious meal of personality, creativity, and pure rock. Maybe if it was a little longer, but then again, maybe not.