Alternative rock band The Survival Code released a new, rocking anti establishment single titled “For Right, Or Wrong, For Better, Or Worse” from their album “Whispers of Woe” on the 10th of March from London, United Kingdom.

The Survival Code are a london-based rock group who have been active for years, and have begun releasing their latest album “Whispers of Woe” as twelve separate singles for the twelve months of 2023, making “For Right, Or Wrong, For Better, Or Worse” their third release of this year.

“For Right, Or Wrong, For Better, Or Worse” immediately grabbed my attention by starting on a hard riff and snare hits that immediately sounded alarms in my mind, which sounded very reminiscent of the post punk and rock songs I loved listening to in my teenage years. This is taken even further with the guitars voicing the power chords with melodic notes, including seconds and thirds in the chord itself, not just the fifth and octave, which is a really unique sound in modern rock that sounds good and avoids being muddy by dialing in a great tone for the guitar, which The Survival Code absolutely nails with enough distortion and tone definition.

The Survival Code released an absolute banger for March with riffing melodic guitars, shredding fast drums, and powerful fry vocals. We can’t wait to hear their April’s release.