Finis Omnium is a new Melodic Death Metal from Cairo, Egypt. The band members are Sayed Ragai, Moanis Salem and Tarek Brery. This month, Finis Omnium released their first full-length album, entitled Chaos. Hatred. Tyranny, through this review, we will talk deeply about this album.
The album contains 8 tracks, all of which discuss the same idea, the idea of tyranny. As explained by Finis Omnium,
“Chaos. Hatred. Tyranny. is an ideological album. The album discusses the notions stated in the title, notions that are predominant over any political stage worldwide. The album is a mere musical interpretation of the beginning of the end, the end of dreams of prosperity, the end of equality, the end of reason, the end of all. It is a cry for the chaos and eternal night that have started and that are destined to rule.”
The first track is titled ‘The Beginning Of The End’. It’s a deep, emotional track, and with its effective guitars tunes, the music of the track will move you to another place – just imagine that you are standing at the center of your country and smelling the signs of destruction, war is really near, the messengers of death are sneaking in… and as you get deeper into the song, your fear increases, no one can save you.
As for the second track entitled ‘Needful Lies’, its melodies shape the atmosphere of the maze, which is life. While the vocals were certainly likable, the track itself didn’t match up.
As for the third track, ‘The End Of All’, it’s the longest track in the album; it starts with catchy guitar tunes and good bass lines. The track carries the essence of progressive music through the movements of the riffs and the solo and the harmony.
The Fourth track is ‘Parasites’, one of the best tracks in the album. There was a variation of riffs, as starting from 3:06 till the end of the track; there was competition and conversation between the guitars, as if every guitar wants to dominate. ‘Of Hate And Tyranny’ carries the same style and techniques of the previous track, but in a harsher way.
The sixth track, ‘While Empires Rust In Chaos’, is a simply well made track with revolutionary guitars tunes, few atmospheric touches, oriental riff, great harmony between the guitars, and very good vocals. Next up is ‘Blinded By The Wreckage Of Reality’, in which Ismaeel Attallah from Crescent the guest vocalist for this track, performed amazingly. This track carries the most attractive riffs throughout the album.
‘Oblivion’ is the last track of the album and it’s a really effective track, it carries some unique guitar tunes in addition to some atmospheric touches reflecting the struggles humans face through their lives.
Finally thoughts; the album is a very good release, with catchy riffs, high harmony, well-made vocals, and many progressive touches through breaks of the drums as in ‘Needful Lies’.
The album expresses the hatred and anger inside humans while facing social problems as tyranny. No one can make decisions, no one can be themselves, no one can reach their dream among hundreds dozens of mazes, hinders, disappointment, hatred, jealousy, depression, cruelty, fights, chaos, fading hope in addition ghosts of wars. Although at some parts of the tracks the sounds of guitars were higher then the vocals, the album easily scores 9 out of 10 and is highly recommended for you because it’s a creative respect-worthy work coming from the Egyptian metal scene.
Edited by: Jailan El-Rafie