A lot of the casual music listeners around the world really don’t grasp how deep, philosophical and emotional the metal genre can get. It’s like a tough looking huge guy with a poker face, but a heart of gold, extending his hand to help out…

People don’t really give a chance to unconventionalism…they used to.

Metal was king for quite sometime…birthed during the late 60s, teenaged during early 70s, turning well into a fine gentleman during the 80s and since then it’s been evolving with each decade and with each wave of metal subgenre…

This living and breathing metal creature has had some of the most-if not the most-loyal fan base ever…metal fans believe in the heavy riff energy, they believe in the lyrical concepts, they believe in the blasting beats…it’s a whole civilization, it can’t be denied.

…speaking of civilizations…imagine looking at Earth from space, and zooming in on Africa…go ahead and zoom in once more, on Egypt…zoom in a little bit more and you’ll see the pyramids, sphinx, the Nile and countless other gems of history…but today we’ll talk more about making history and breaking new grounds, raising the bar and the voice of metal in the Egyptian and African scene…we’ll be talking about one of Egypt’s pride and joy, Maddox Theory.

Maddox Theory is a thrash metal power group that was formed in 2016 and released 3 singles the same year, “Mr Dates”, “Warrioride”, and “Diary of a Paranoid”…establishing themselves and making quite the splash.

The band went through some changes to their lineup since they started out, maybe that’s one of the reasons why they haven’t released music in the last 4 years…it doesn’t matter, we’re ecstatic to know that they’re releasing new music very soon and we’ll talk about their upcoming single “Eye of Stryx”…fingers crossed, they’ll make it up for all the fans, and keep churning out more and more music in the very near future.

…speaking of the lineup, the current one goes like this:

Mustafa Gharib as vocalist and the only remaining founder
Gasser Helal on bass (of Bovem, Mythos, and the Kato Hafez Project)

Abdallah Hesham on drums (who is also a member of Riverwood and GavelFall)

Adam Haytham on guitars

Salah Wahba on guitars

…quite the lineup, quite the talent collection, all of these guys already have made a name for themselves in the Egyptian metal music scene, you can see them playing in several projects…an extremely energetic group of super talented musicians.

With this lineup, the band’s debut full-length album, “Made of Steel”, was released in July 2018. “Sukhoi! Sukhoi!”, the sixth track of this album actually made the African Metal charts for best African metal track of 2018…

Now that we’ve come to know the talents behind Maddox Theory, let’s talk about their upcoming single “Eye of Stryx”…it will be released on the 6th of April and we got to have a taste of what’s to come…let me tell you all about it…but I won’t spoil the fun.

If you’re a fan of Maddox Theory, you’re in good hands, you’ll get what you have been waiting for…and if you’re hearing them for the first time, then you’re lucky.

The song checks all the boxes of what we’re looking for…

Heavy syncopated riffs…

Guitar licks…

Beat drops…

A locomotive bass driving the energy…

A classic guitar solo…there’s also a part with harmonies that played briefly during the solo…tasteful…

Vocals that go from melodic to growling…and really beyond…

…everything feels huge, wide and theatrical…it feels more like you’re watching them perform, not just hearing them on your speakers…

Another very important aspect is the topic that’s being discussed in the lyrics…

The song is a tale, told from the perspective of a wise mythical owl-like creature, “Stryx”…and Stryx describes the end of existence, warning all of humanity of how it will end…

…and it will end at the hands of the wealthy and powerful, who for as long as there have been life have been sucking it out of the poor and helpless…

…and everything is brought to death, oblivion and nothingness…

Speak about mega corporations sucking this planet dry…

I love the fact that the topic is very relatable, but they put a fantastical twist on it…adds a lot to the whole experience.

Keep you’re out peeled out on the 6th of April when Maddox Theory’s latest single “Eye of Stryx” is released.

Maddox Theory, we wish you all the luck in the world…you’re awesome.

Looking forward to experiencing “Eye of Stryx” live on stage…because this will be the perfect example of a “show” piece.

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Born in the 80s, attracted by the beats and feeds on music, the "Hamza Sharkas" is a musical-carnivore that uses guitars, piano and drums as his weapons of choice in hunting down and composing music, mainly for short movies, solo work and his other musical projects. The "Sharkas" also records, mixes and masters music. One of the goals of the "Sharkas" is to spread musical knowledge and music technology education as much as possible through workshops and online articles. Beware the "Sharkas"....for he won't shut up about music and will go on and on and on and on….