German artist Fabbro di Chiavi just released an EP of epic proportions…” Intangible Part I” is a symphony of metal and rock, playing together harmoniously and making a huge bang…a must-listen for all heavy music fans out there.

Fabbro describes the EP as “Drawing inspiration from Stoic philosophy, the instrumental tracks navigate the complexities of life’s uncertainties, presenting a sonic tapestry where powerful riffs and intricate melodies collide”…and boy, does it collide…it magnificently build up and crashes both melodically and percussively…like nothing else.

The EP is made up of 3 tracks…starting with “Embracing The Unknown Overture”…a grand orchestral, choir and metal oddysee, bigger than life…it’s like a musical battlefield, melodies are fired through the guitars while the choirs and strings create a safezone of sound beds and pads…then the drums acting like the heavy artillery that hits hard…it’s over the top and it’s amazing.

Going into the second track “Journey To Apatheia” we move to a completely different mood and feel…a folky intro to a highly emotional journey, reminds me of the great times of Camel and Pink Floyd…stunningly beautiful composition and mesmerizing melodic guitar works…with some mind-blowing guitar riffs that syncopate with the drums with its ever-changing and ever-evolving time signatures…simply brilliant.

“Journey To Apatheia” plays with our emotions through climactic sections that follow the subtle and mellow emotional parts…and we’re enjoying every bit of it…and it keeps throwing surprises our way, like the awesome organ melodies and licks, excellent stuff here.

…sadly, we reach the third and last track on the EP. We really wished we had at least two other tracks to keep ourselves busy with…but that’s fine, it’s why there’s a repeat button, for great stuff like this.

“The Emotion Ruler” is a powerful song, especially the intro part…but it also has some subtle and highly melodic guitar playing… of course mixed with Fabbro’s unique and fresh powerful musical approach that instantly entered our hearts.

Through its progressive and unusual musical composition, “The Emotion Ruler” feels like many musical ideas that all culminate at the melodic level…and the integration of the piano with all of the powerful guitars and drums was a very nice touch.

I also want to add that Fabbro has a very distinct style of both composing and playing…his compositions breathe with life and tell stories that we can imagine in our heads easily…and his guitar playing is top-notch, mixing instantly from riffs to melodies and back…then recording guitar harmonies during the melody sections to create a very huge feeling in the audiences…and it works flawlessly.

Fabbro has managed to achieve an extremely high standard in the progressive melodic metal world…he absolutely nails so much, from melodies, to riffs, to emotional dynamics to powerful and epic musicality…he’s made his own sound and his own stories…and we absolutely love it.

Wishing all the best to Fabbro…and can’t wait to hear what he has next for the world.
