Ellery Twining’s ‘DUSTY SPRINGFIELD’S RECORD COLLECTION’ is a deceptively nuanced musical trip through time and space, in a simplistic guise and a seemingly monochromatic outlook, but with far more layers than first meets the eye.
Ellery Twining is a songwriter, and a singer based in the aptly named town of Mystic, Connecticut. A musical visionary who effortlessly bends the laws of pop, Ellery Twining’s sonic character is unheard of, truly unique, fully explored on his 2 albums, and on this song we’re featuring here, titled ‘DUSTY SPRINGFIELD’S RECORD COLLECTION’.
Having worked at the Mystic Disc record store since 1995, Twining was there when the record collection of the legendary Dusty Springfield was brought into the store one day, and he wrote this song about that experience. The song itself is skeletal, with thin guitars, a dry beat, a handful of atmospherics, and a spoken work delivery. An affair where the sum definitely accounts to more than the individual parts, the song ends up sounding extremely colorful, specifically with the bouncy and melodic bass line, the solid, supportive groove, and of course, Twining’s vocal delivery and the sublime words he speaks.
Altogether, ‘DUSTY SPRINGFIELD’S RECORD COLLECTION’ is a song that easily stands out. Having a distinct sonic flair and a boundless amount of character, Ellery Twining’s music simply leaves a mark that does not wash away quickly.