The Love Ways’ latest song can easily be described as an anthem. A high octane, driving adventure of rock, both classic and modern, gentle, yet full of aggression, easy-going, yet with a decided intention. It’s a blindingly great effort that will leave a lasting mark.

Coincidentally, I watched the video for Desire Lines before reading anything up on The Love Ways, and I remember thinking how all the instrumentalists looked very similar, and how they all played their parts with a ton of skill, then I found out that the band is in fact a duo. Formed and based in Brooklyn, NY, The Love Ways is Mark Shreve and James Langlois, Mark Plays all the instrumentals, and James takes care of the singing. The video is charged and invigorating. From Langlois’s relaxed posture throughout the video, to Shreve’s heartfelt, brash drumming, both being glaring displays of panache, confidence, and charisma. The music underneath the performances of the video follow this formula closely, as Langlois’s delivery feels at home both during his seated croons during the verses, to his more demanding parts on the choruses; smooth, elegant, present, and easy to grasp throughout. Shreve’s input is purely impressive. Even if the composition is a relatively simple one, the soulful drumming, tight bass, and inspired guitars throughout are all so consistently brilliant that they point fingers at one gigantic talent. 

Desire Lines is fun and exciting, the production is masterful, the performances are full of purpose and the lyrics are rich and thought provoking, while being easy to follow and direct. An honest cut with an intoxicating sound that I will be returning to time and again.