
One of the perks of being a music reviewer is that sometimes you have to listen to genres/bands/musical tastes way beyond your default liking. That was the main idea in my head once I received Desecration‘s album, Cemetery Sickness, to review.

I’m not a pure Death Metal fan; I prefer melody of Tommy-gun-kinda riffs all over the track which is a landmark inside Death Metal’s domain. Interested in the album’s artwork, which indicated an inner desire from the band to have the good ol’ badass death Metallers’ attitude and to also match the overall atmosphere of the album. Cemeteries and stuff!

It’s a bit melodic -to be honest- and well… it sounds a bit childish more than aggressive and gore-y with tracks like ‘I, Cadaver’ that sounds like you are listening to a new garage band of amateurs. Riffs grow better gradually starting from ‘Recipes of Horror’ then down to ‘Rotten brain extraction’.

Production and sound? Really good and skillful to the point I hoped it would be, I also hoped it would extend to a more powerful record of the band.

Back to the childish atmosphere with ‘Cabletie castrator’, into the same tunes and melodies with the one-pitched vocal lines for all the tracks throughout the whole tracks lift. I really wished to find a track that is not predictable musically through its title, same times stamps, same vocal line across all tracks, accompanied with really good production and un-needed touches of melody. My advice? Please guys rethink your musical path as we do not want you to waste such fascinating production on such lame album.