Originally hailing from Russia, singer-songwriter Juliana Strangelove found herself traversing one bad circumstance after the other from covid to the war on Ukraine to all the impossible conditions that have challenged her throughout her personal life and career. Juliana currently resides In Georgia (in exile) and is making music non-stop with her guitarist and her own instrument: her gorgeously unique contralto voice.
The latest track from Juliana is entitled ‘Dead Poets’ and it’s an acoustic folk/rock song with a straightforward approach and vocals that rely on timbre and agility more so than effects on production. The track has an amazing guitar chord progression with the clean acoustic guitars but once the electric kicks in a brief yet very impactful solo, I felt all the emotions that Juliana was trying to channel perfectly. I couldn’t have thought of a better combination with her strong and darkly toned vocals than such a grounding and strong guitar melody…so kudos to her awesome guitarist.
I highly recommend this track if you’re into unique-sounding and different lady voices that challenge themselves and sing a piece that’s vocally demanding and shows how they can carry emotion with their singing style. I’m pretty sure ‘Dead Poets’ is set to become a hit very soon.