If you’ve ever wondered how pop from the 50s would sound if it were made in the present time, with the easygoing guitars, group singing, gentle rhythms, and warm songwriting, then Shenanygan’s debut single ‘Count on Me’ was made for you.

A pan-European group that has roots in Ireland, Switzerland, and Poland, Shenanygans are a newly formed band, and ‘Count on Me’ is their debut single, released in support of the first album ‘On Monte Verita’ set to be released later in 2024. The song sounds warm, fun, and jangly, with the band fluently instilling a sense of potent nostalgia with their musical choices, all adding up to create a song that sounds as if from a different time, somewhat like a Beatles covering a chart-topping Roy Orbison single.

The rhythms and dynamic bass part create a solid and gentle backbone on which the song’s soothing vocals are laid. Beautifully melodic, the vocals are double-tracked with group harmonies and are lush with well-placed, touching oohs and aahs. The jangling guitars are clean and peppy, raspy enough to grab the attention, but soft enough to blend in with the rest of the instrumentation.

With a pop-centered composition that’s fun and whimsical but not for a moment challenging or unpredictable, Shenanygans have successfully displayed themselves as avid songwriters on ‘Count on Me’, stoking the fire for their upcoming debut, and leaving more than a few new fans waiting impatiently for more.