EL Putnam

The Irish singer/songwriter Sano Hill is back with “CircleWalk,” his third single from his upcoming album, “If Not Now, When?” Once again, he creates a song that is relevant to our lives, but this time with a darker theme.

“CircleWalk” differs from previous releases, “The Climb” and “Starting Over.” Its lyricism depicts the dilemma of relationships that lack healthy communication and attitude. It carries a challenging, common issue. However, its arrangement is funky and bursting with vitality.

Right from the intro, you’ll find your body swaying to its grooves. The bass lines with the wind instruments harmonize with Hill’s playful, passionate performance to give a spark. The instrumentation is ideally structured to add colors to such a gloomy subject.

Sano Hill is a talented musician who makes organic music. That’s not a new deduction. I came to this realization right after I heard and reviewed his single, “The Climb.” His songwriting is remarkable, and he’s able to deliver his meaningful message through every element of his work.

In “CircleWalk,” he narrated the problem in a genuine, perky manner, starting from the fittingly titled “CircleWalk” and moving to the brilliant lyrical. His energetic vocals are as enthusiastic as the composition and as bitter as the lyrics’ sentiments.

So far, the three songs are an exquisite teaser for what’s to come on the forthcoming album. I personally can’t wait to see how this professional artist will vary distinguish.