● First, I salute you for such an amazing album, well done! Tell me about the beginning of your metal journey.

I started out playing dark and ballad-style pop. I was 14 years old and didn’t know anything about the digital side of music, so my live shows consisted of me switching off between piano and guitar and singing over either instrument. Over the years I’ve collaborated with different musicians and producers, and learned a ton about different recording softwares. I’ve been able to move my project into a hard rock direction, and these days I write full hard rock orchestrations and perform with a live band.

● Evanescence’s inspiration was the reason behind your melancholic and dark lyrical themes?
Evanescence were my inspiration to start a rock project. However, my dark lyrical themes and melancholy instrumentals have been inspired by life experiences. I’ve used music as a coping mechanism for them.

● ‘Morbid Illusion’ has been acclaimed by fans and critics alike. In your opinion, what makes it different from your previous releases music wise?
I think Morbid Illusion has more confidence behind it and a little more of a seductive edge. I’ve shied away from putting myself so out there in the past, but with this record I help nothing back. It’s full of raw emotion. That’s been the main comment I’ve received on it. This album is heavy emotionally.

● Also, what topics the album is mainly discussing?
I wrote about a lot of different things on Morbid Illusion: fear of failing in our dreams, the way we perceive rock stars/celebrities, depression, abuse, and misogyny. But a big chunk of this album was inspired by a terrible relationship and breakup.

● Your music videos are iconic indeed! Did you cooperate in filming ideas with the directors?
I work very closely with a video production company called Digital Myle. Their owner/founder and main director, Kyle Lamar has been a friend of mine for years. I’ve worked with him on every video I’ve done since “Graveyard” from ‘Enchiridion of Nightmares’. I come to him with ideas for music videos and the two of us expand on them together. 

● As a songwriter and composer, how do you manage to deliver your ideas to your band to be in such perfect output?
I write and program all the parts into demos and send them their parts digitally with charts, midis, and audio files.

● You’ve collaborated with DI Records for the album release. What’s the difference between releasing your music independently or with a label?
Working with DI Records has been incredible. It makes such a huge difference having a team to back you in your dreams. They’ve done a lot for me and for this album and I’m so grateful for them.

● Finally, thank you for the chat and tell your fans more about your 2021 plans.
More music videos from Morbid Illusion will be coming your way soon. But for the rest of 2021, I’m hanging back and writing more new music. That’s what brings me happiness. 


Sharone on FacebookInstagramYouTubeApple MusicAmazon, and Spotify.


Mena Ezzat